Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 4:Praying for Our Sons

For those of you not participating in the study, the majority of this post is a stand alone.  Just ignore those pesky page numbers :)

Today's topic is avoiding foolishness.  The prayers are on page 22. 

One of my sons has a real issues with anger.  I had never really connected that to foolishness, but after a quick search of the word "fool" on tonight, my eyes have been opened.  Here are just a few of the verses that popped out to me......"Fools give full vent to their rage, but the wise bring calm in the end." (Proverbs 29:11)  "It is to one’s honor to avoid strife, but every fool is quick to quarrel." (Proverbs 20:3)  "The wise fear the LORD and shun evil, but a fool is hotheaded and yet feels secure." (Proverbs 14:6)  There are MANY more.  A new prayer has formed in my heart........this child does not want to be this way.  He wants so much to control his temper.  I am thankful that the Lord has given me a new direction to pray and a new direction to parent!

Here is what the Bible also says, "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction." (Proverbs 1:7)  In this way, he is definitely no fool!  What a joy and a priviledge it is to be not only his mother but also his teacher and his number 1 prayer support--to have a front row seat as he seeks the LORD and gains true knowledge----to see his victory over his temper foolishness.

And here is a verse that has always stuck with me---it's what I immediately thought of when I read the topic for today.  It also comes from Proverbs (13:20) "Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm."  It is a reminder for me to not only pray for my kids, but for their friends as well. 

This question comes from page 21 of the book:

While attending a homeschool conference, Brooke heard Ken Ham, of Answers in Genesis, say “I
would rather my children be ditch diggers and love Jesus, than PhDs and go to hell.” What is
your response to this quote?
My first response is, "Me too."  But then when I really examine myself, I find that my actions don't always support this view.  I have dreams for my kids, and if I'm honest, ditch digger isn't in them.  I can honestly say that I don't care what profession that end up in, but when I dream, they are "professionals".  Ditch digging doesn't fit the bill :( I am a homeschooling mama, and there are more days than I would like to admit that my focus is not on my kids gaining wisdom but on proving themselves academically. One of the reasons I felt called to homeschool was that I wanted wisdom to be more important to my kids than book learning.  It's a hard thing to do because I also want them to be "successful."  It's my job to teach them the academics.  This spring as our family was in a state of upheaval, God showed me clearly how the two go hand in hand.  I thought that as a whole we had our priorties pretty much "right".  But what I have discovered is that there were (and still are some days I'm ashamed to say) priorities on my list that shouldn't even have been a consideration. I came to a point where I had not only reached the end of my rope but passed the end by a long shot.  What I discovered at that point when my focus became God and God alone was that the academics which were barely even on my radar screen were taken care of anyway.  School was actually easier for me teaching and my kids understanding.  As I sought God with my whole heart, my kids followed.  I expected that school would take us a lot longer--l;ike all summer.  I didn't really care, but that's where I place it........way down the priority list.  You want to know what happened????  We finished EARLY---I'm still not sure how that happened, but it did.  My prayer is that I won't forget that lesson as our life becomes more stable in the future.

Feel free to share any thoughts.......on my thoughts, on how the prayers are going for you, on this question or others, or just whatever you feel lead to share.

You are in my prayers!

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