Friday, November 25, 2011

Why Journal?

I have kept a journal off and on since I first learned how to write.  The first journal I remember as a young child had a picture of a kitten on the front and that oh so secure gold lock that opened easier with a safety pin than the key.  I really wish I still had that journal!  I wonder what I wrote about.  My D likes to journal.  Sometimes she even lets me take a peek, but most of it she keeps to herself.  Last Christmas she got a journal with a key; I hope that she remembers it when she is my age!  I still have my journals from high school and college.  And more than a few from my adult years too.  This whole on-line thing still seems a bit too public for most of my thoughts; they are way too personal.  I journal because I want to remember the good things and it helps me to process and get through the less good things.  There have been times in my life when my journal was my only friend.

This particular journal is the direct result of something that I feel that the Lord has lead me to do.  And still, most of my thoughts are writing on the pages of boring old spiral notebooks and haven't been posted here.  I'm still working on saying, "Yes, Lord."  Tonight, I said, "Yes."  I would like to tell you that it feels great, but what I really feel at this moment is exposed.  I think that God is teaching me to be honest with and about myself.  I'm a slow learner; this could take awhile!

Oh well,

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