Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day 21:Praying For Our Sons

Today's topic is humility; the prayers are on page 45.

I loved the way Brooke closed her book.  Prayer should be where we begin, but often times it is where we end; that is what she expresses here in her conclusion:   
the letting go, and placing my hope in the God who can. It’s putting none of my hope in what I can do, and all of my hope in what He has already done. It’s taking comfort in a God who loved deeply enough to save me and resting in the knowledge that He can do the same for my sons. It’s choosing to believe the truth of His Word--praying for its completion in the hearts of my sons--washing it over my tired heart and keeping my eyes on the One who straightens my path. It is enough for me and enough for my sons.

This is the last day of the prayer challenge.  Have you enjoyed it?  Are you even still reading--I haven't heard from most of you in awhile.  For me, this was a little on the light and fluffy side.  That's not necessarily bad, but I just didn't find it to be deep.  I did enjoy having some directed prayers each day.  It did lead to some interesting discussions with my oldest one too.  I am thankful for that!  It also is not about me.  There was some disapline to be here and post something everyday.  I needed that right now.  After today, there is no official reason for you to visit her, but I would love to have you return.  This is the place where I am just me, writing about what life it teaching me.  You're welcome to come and comment often.  I have enjoyed my time with you.


Prayer is the coming to the end of myself,

1 comment:

  1. I've enjoyed this, too. I have to admit that some days I quickly said the prayers while other days, I spent much more time in prayer. Kind of a hit or miss type of devotional some days. I am going to keep the prayers and continue to use them. I really liked having specific scriptures that speak to many of my needs. As far as our "service challenge" goes... as a family we've been making lunches each Wed night for the MUST lunch ministry. It has given us a chance to talk about how fortunate we are to have food every day and to serve others. Thank you for leading this.
